##1 ##2 ##4 aristotlephysics aut#alencarjm aut#almeida-ma aut#aristotle aut#assis-jmm aut#berens-em aut#engels-f aut#hamilton-a authors-by-surname aut#jay-j aut#machiavelli-nb aut#madison-j aut#marx-kh aut#nobrega-m aut#plekhanov-gv aut#queiroza aut#rousseau-jj aut#senior-nw aut#smith-a bir#1517 bir#1712 bir#1723 bir#1745 bir#1751 bir#1755 bir#1757 bir#1790 bir#1818 bir#1829 bir#1831 bir#1839 bir#1845 bir#1857 bir#1918 bir#bc384 bir#xixc ch-1 class#novel dat#1469 dat#1532 dat#1557 dat#1759 dat#1762 dat#1776 dat#1787 dat#18?? dat#1818 dat#1820 dat#1831 dat#1848 dat#1853 dat#1870 dat#1875 dat#1876 dat#1878 dat#1880 dat#1891 dat#1894 dat#1895 dat#1899 dat#1900 dat#bcivc english eq-casaramires eq-mandarim french german lang#de lang#en lang#fr lang#gr lang#it lang#pt lang#pt-br l-i lib#ml loc#br loc#fr loc#gb loc#gr loc#pt loc#sw loc#uk loc#us nam#ad nam#al nam#ar nam#e? nam#ec nam#fr nam#ge nam#ja nam#je nam#jo nam#ka nam#ma nam#na nam#ni nat#?? nat#br nat#de nat#gb nat#ge nat#gr nat#it nat#pt nat#ru nat#sw nat#uk nat#us shelf#litpt sub#anarchism sub#communism sub#ecnmy subj#ecpol subj#mythol subj#phipol subj#polint sub#litbr sub#litpt sub#mythol sub#phil sub#philp sub#phimor sub#phipol sub#phys sub#pol sub#polec sub#socialism sur#a sur#al sur#ar sur#as sur#b sur#be sur#e sur#en sur#h sur#ha sur#j sur#ja sur#m sur#ma sur#n sur#no sur#p sur#pl sur#q sur#qu sur#r sur#ro sur#s sur#se sur#sm tit#a tit#ai tit#an tit#co tit#di tit#do tit#du tit#fe tit#he tit#ia tit#il tit#m tit#ma tit#me tit#o tit#om tit#on tit#ph tit#qu tit#se tit#th type#short-story vii

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